Got Wrinkles? A Facelift Could Be Your Answer

Sep 01, 2023
Got Wrinkles? A Facelift Could Be Your Answer
The delicate skin on your face is among the first areas to begin sagging and wrinkling as you age. Find out if you’re a good candidate for the surgery that can elevate the skin for a more youthful appearance.

Getting older means developing wrinkles. Many people think wrinkles are endearing, but others would prefer the wrinkle-free skin they took for granted years ago. While you can’t reverse time, you can consider advanced procedures and surgeries to elevate and tighten your aged skin. 

Facial aesthetics expert and board-certified oral-maxillofacial surgeon John P. Freeman, MD, DDS, FACS, is your go-to provider for cosmetic procedures in Katy, Texas. With an in-depth understanding of natural facial anatomy and aging, Dr. Freeman provides individualized facelift surgeries and complementary procedures like neck lifts and blepharoplasty at his private practice

Understanding your skin’s aging process

Why do wrinkles tend to show up as we age? There isn’t a simple answer. First, your skin becomes more lax and less firm due to the natural decline of structural proteins like collagen and elastin. That means it’s less able to bounce back into its natural position when you stretch it. Furthermore, your skin’s oil production naturally declines over time, which makes your skin drier and highlights existing wrinkles. 

Several external factors can also contribute to skin laxity and wrinkling, including:

  • Smoking
  • Ultraviolet light (from the sun or other sources, like tanning beds)
  • Repeated facial movements and expressions
  • Dehydration
  • Poor nutrition
  • Genetic factors


As your skin loses laxity, smile lines, marionette lines, and jowls occur. Even with pristine wellness habits like a balanced diet and a smoke-free lifestyle, aging skin can’t entirely be avoided. 

Choosing the right facelift for you

Not all facelifts are the same. They are in the top five surgical cosmetic procedures, and their popularity is because they are customizable, allowing for natural-looking results that blend with your natural anatomy. 

Dr. Freeman evaluates your needs and asks you about your goals. Your options for a facelift include the following:

Lower facelift

A lower facelift addresses the wrinkles around your mouth and jaw, including jowls and nasolabial folds. The technique requires easily concealable incisions around your ears. 


A mid-facelift corrects all of the features of a lower facelift in addition to sagging skin beneath your eyes and around your cheeks. It is an excellent choice if you’re in your 30s or 40s and have moderate facial sagging or sunken cheeks. 

Full facelift

This option requires more excisions around your hairline and ears. It corrects severe signs of aging across the entire face. 

Could you be a candidate?

Your first step in experiencing the stunning results of a facelift is to visit Dr. Freeman for an in-depth consultation. He reviews your medical history during this visit and asks about your goals. 

You might be a good candidate for the facelift if you:

  • Don’t smoke
  • Don’t have any medical conditions that impair healing
  • Have realistic goals and expectations
  • Understand the healing process and can follow the post-surgery instructions

If you’re not currently a candidate for a facelift, Dr. Freeman can help you explore available nonsurgical cosmetic procedures, such as laser skin resurfacing

Schedule your consultation online or over the phone to discuss your anti-aging goals with John P. Freeman, MD, DDS, FACS, today.