5 FAQs About Facial Implants

Dec 19, 2013
There are people who are haunted by a cosmetic facial issue. Every day, they see it in the mirror and in pictures of themselves. Social media and smart phones put the issue at the front of their attention, and they may feel self-conscious at work and...

There are people who are haunted by a cosmetic facial issue. Every day, they see it in the mirror and in pictures of themselves. Social media and smart phones put the issue at the front of their attention, and they may feel self-conscious at work and in social gatherings, which could make them less confident. One small, easily repairable issue can affect a persons whole quality of life.

Thankfully, cosmetic surgery has advanced to the point that many of these cosmetic issues can be fixed without any high risk of complication. Still, many people delay getting facial implants because they have concerns and questions that must be addressed first. To help, weve answered five of the most commonly asked questions about facial implants.

It is unlikely that this article will answer all of your questions or address all of your concerns, but that shouldnt stop you from learning more. Dr. John P. Freeman regularly meets with prospective patients in the Houston area to discuss the details of his cosmetic surgeries. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Freeman, Call Us At 218-599-9445 Today!

1. Why Are Facial Implants Performed?

Mentoplasties (chin implants) are done to address receding chins and weak jawlines. They create a chin that is distinctive and does not disappear into the patients neck. Medline Plus says that patients often choose to have a chin implant when they feel that their chin is visually out of balance with their nose. Cheek implants add volume to thin or flat cheeks, which are a common first sign of aging.

2. How Long Do Chin Implant Surgeries Take?

Chin implant surgeries can take anywhere from 30 minutes to about two hours. The length of the procedure depends greatly upon the size of the implant and the specific look that the patient hopes to achieve.

3. How Long Is The Recovery Period?

The first 7 to 10 days will make up the bulk of the recovery period, during which time you may be restricted to certain softer foods. You may feel some stiffness in your facial movements. Full recovery can take several weeks.

4. Will I Be In A Lot Of Pain During Recovery?

For the first two to three days, you will feel mild pain, which is easily managed using painkillers. The site may feel uncomfortable and swollen for about a week, but most patients report that their recovery was more relaxing than painful.

5. Will There Be A Scar?

To insert the implants, small incisions must be made, but those incisions are made in discreet areas in the mouth or under the chin, so any scarring will not be visible.

When considering a facial implant surgery, we urge you to meet with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Freeman has the experience necessary to help you determine which procedure or combination of procedures will help you achieve your goals. To set up an appointment with Dr. Freeman, Call Us At 281-599-9445 Today!