The Facebook Facelift

Aug 01, 2013
The facelift is one of the most sought after plastic surgery procedures because of its many advantages. Many people who are feeling self conscious due to the signs of age on the face can turn back the hands of time with a facelift, removing loose skin...

The facelift is one of the most sought after plastic surgery procedures because of its many advantages. Many people who are feeling self conscious due to the signs of age on the face can turn back the hands of time with a facelift, removing loose skin, wrinkles and fine lines on the forehead and around the eyes and mouth. The result is a younger and more refreshed appearance that will leave patients not only looking but feeling their best.

In fact, facial plastic surgery is becoming so popular it is literally trending online. In India, a new plastic surgery fad has been created and its sweeping across the globe at a very fast pace. Although the majority of facelift patients tend to be over the age of 40, women and men in their 20s and 30s in India are getting facelifts so they can look good on social media sites.

Though plastic surgery of any kind is a very personal decision and should never be based on another persons opinion, India plastic surgery patients are literally putting their best face forward on sites like Facebook and Twitter through the help of facelift surgery. The goal of these patients is to look as good as possible in their profile pictures so they can attract job opportunities or even find love. Since social media has become one of the worlds preferred communication methods, it makes sense that users would want to have only the most flattering pictures of themselves on their personal or professional accounts.

The trend has become so popular it has been dubbed the Facebook Facelift. In addition to facelift surgery, patients are also opting for rhinoplasty and chin augmentation.

Although most of these patients are too young to truly experience the benefits of facelift surgery, the face is the first thing that people notice when they meet someone, and when it comes to social media sites, the face is in many cases, is the only physical feature that is photographed. The face can tell volumes about a person, including their age, their personality, and their level of vigor. If the individual is tired or stressed, their face will undoubtedly give it away and may affect their chances of obtaining a job or connecting with a potential love interest.

Yet, as with all cosmetic surgeries, the decision is not one that should be made lightly. Its important for patients to turn to a trusted facial plastic surgeon in order to obtain the most natural and optimal results. If you have considered getting a facelift or any other facial cosmetic procedure in Texas, turn to Katy plastic surgeon Dr. John P. Freeman to discuss the best approach for you treatment.

As an experienced Texas facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Freeman specializes in providing patients with superior results for treatments including facelifts, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), chin augmentation, and others. Through precision and careful attention to detail, Dr. Freeman will enhance your own unique natural features and help you look your best.

Contact Dr. Freeman today for a consultation to discuss your idea facial surgery options.