Tips for Caring for Your Dental Implants

Aug 01, 2023
 Tips for Caring for Your Dental Implants
With proper care, dental implants can support your new smile for decades. Read our guide to long-term implant success.

After dental implants, you can eat what you want again, speak easily, and confidently show off your smile. You’re done with the challenges of planning, surgery, and healing, and you have a brand-new smile. 

Dental implants are meant to be permanent and boast a high success rate of around 95%. Yet, you can still experience complications due to mouth infections or stress. These factors can compromise the success of your dental implants and cause premature damage to your restorations. 

World-renowned dentist and oral-maxillofacial surgeon John P. Freeman, MD, DDS, FACS, wants your dental implants to live up to their hype so you can reap their benefits for the rest of your life. At his self-named surgical practice in Katy, Texas, he installs dental implants and teaches you to care for them (and your overall oral health) so they last. 

Hygiene remains a priority

The majority of oral infections arise from bacteria in your mouth. It is always there but can build up to harmful levels if you don’t maintain optimal oral hygiene. Fortunately, implant restorations are easy to keep clean. Since your restorations are securely attached to the implants, your brushing and flossing routine stays the same as before you got implants. 

Dr. Freeman encourages you to refine your oral hygiene routine and be thorough while brushing and flossing. Brush twice daily, floss once a day, and visit the office every six months for a professional cleaning to reduce your risk of gum disease. Advanced gum disease can eventually lead to bone loss, compromising your implants' sturdiness. 

Your mouth is more vulnerable to infection immediately after implant placement surgery. To stay infection-free, Dr. Freeman may give you an antibiotic to take as you heal and an antimicrobial rinse. 

Watch what you bite

Biting solid objects or misusing your teeth by treating them like scissors could damage your dental implant restorations. Dental restorations like crowns and dentures can break under too much pressure like your original teeth. You’ll still be able to enjoy most foods, but try to avoid biting on: 

  • Solid candies
  • Popcorn seeds
  • Ice cubes
  • Fingernails
  • Pencils

Resist the urge to tear tags off clothing or rip packages open using your teeth. 

Some substances aren’t conducive to implants

Do you have a vice you find difficult to resist? To succeed with dental implants, you may have to make lifestyle changes. The following habits can compromise your dental implant results:


It’s no secret that smoking is bad for your health, but smoking after getting dental implants can be detrimental. Nicotine in cigarettes and other tobacco products reduces blood flow to your mouth, which can interfere with healing after implant surgery. As a result, osseointegration may not occur, and the implant can fail. Plus, smoking increases your risk for gum disease. 

Excessive drinking

Drinking alcohol is bad for dental implants because it inhibits blood flow to your oral tissues. You should refrain from drinking any alcohol while you heal from implant surgery if you want your implants to last. 

Even after you’ve healed, only drink in moderation. Too much drinking can lead to dry mouth and dehydration, both risk factors for gum disease. 

A sweet tooth

Sugary drinks and beverages can cause cavities and disrupt dental implant success. More sugar in your mouth means more bacteria, which elevates the risk of oral infections. 

Ready for your new implants?

Whether you need a single implant or Teeth In A Day, Dr. Freeman can help you achieve exceptional results that last a lifetime. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online for your new dental implants today.